Building Young Brixton partners offer a variety of activities for children and young people on a on a regular basis. These include: free play, mentoring, coaching, employment support and holiday programmes.
You can find all of them listed below, with the option to filter to suit your specific needs. To sign up for an activity please contact the partner organisation.

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The Building Young Leaders programme is a paid opportunity for young people within the BYB partnership, it aims to empower the next generation of community leaders and youth practitioners. The Young Leaders facilitate listening events to understand what is important to young people and make recommendations on how BYB services can respond to these priorities, ensuring youth voice is embedded across the partnership.
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High Trees work in local schools to provide a 6 – 12 week coaching programme. We can work with schools to identify the best way to ensure that our programme meets the needs of pupils, and fits in well with other support the school is offering.
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Juvenis support young people from vulnerable and disenfranchised communities and especially those at risk of offending and criminal behaviours. The programme uses tried and tested methods of engaging and supporting those affected young people including: positive activities at key times, provide one to one mentoring and support in life choices, personal development and life skills workshops.
Juvenis is mainly for young people aged 16-19 (up to 25 years for those with additional needs). Younger people (aged over 11) can use the service if they need to outside school hours.
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The Breaking Barriers 12-week leadership programme focuses on personal leadership skills, encouraging young people to become community stakeholders. This programme is tailored towards young people that are at imminent risk of exclusion from school or otherwise vulnerable due to concerns around mental health and well-being.
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The mentoring programme pairs young people aged 16 – 21 with BIGKID volunteer mentors for up to 12 months. The purpose of this programme is to help the young people prepare for school completion, develop work skills, identify career paths, and transition to post-high school graduation, including post-secondary training. It also focuses on encouraging and cultivating personal development in terms of key social and life skills.
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BIGKID’s Holiday Programme involves sessions run during all three half-term breaks and the six-week summer holiday. During these holiday sessions, we offer additional sports engagement sessions, residential trips (including our sailing programme), excursions, as well as the chance to try out alternative sports including white-water rafting, sailing, and kayaking.