BIGKID Holiday Programme

BIGKID’s Holiday Programme involves sessions run during all three half-term breaks and the six-week summer holiday. During these holiday sessions, we offer additional sports engagement sessions, residential trips (including our sailing programme), excursions, as well as the chance to try out alternative sports including white-water rafting, sailing, and kayaking.

Sports Engagement

BIGKID offers a variety of sports, including football, American flag football, basketball, futsal, and tennis, at a range of community and school sites. Participating in our sports sessions provides a space for young people to make friends, try something new, and learn positive leadership skills from their peers and BIGKID staff. Our volunteer pathway allows […]

Horse Riding

We provide riding lessons and youth work support to young people from the age of 8 to 18 and our priority is to work with those young people who are most in need of our work.

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