We have created a number of free resources for youth workers and youth organisations. These have been created as part of our commitment to improving services and supporting organisations providing youth services in Lambeth and beyond.
If you have feedback on these resources, please get in touch with us on

Practical guide to collaboration
This guide contains a comprehensive overview to the steps to be taken when setting up a new collaboration. It contains 29 different tools and templates that can be adapted to support the work of your partnership. It particularly draws on the experience of the Building Young Brixton partnership.
Resources included in the Collaboration Toolkit include: self-assessment tools to gauge readiness for organisations thinking of going into partnership, workshops to shape your partnership vision and values, spreadsheets to help you manage reporting and word templates for core policies and agreements.
This short guide has been designed to support youth organisations looking to provide paid opportunities for young people (aged 15-18). In this guide you can find practical advice on processes for recruitment and supporting young people as employees, unique considerations and challenges, and case studies of our impact.
The content in this guide has been developed and tested with many of our current partners to ensure it is practical and useful for a range of organisations. It draws on the experience of the Building Young Brixton Partnership.